Why You Need THIS Puffin Classics Collection

Recently, I discovered the most beautifully covered books in the world. Maybe even in the universe.

The Puffin Classics: In Bloom Collection not only looks gorgeous on a shelf, but photographs very well (a great quality for your #bookstagram accounts).

Take a look: DSC_0303

And here’s the front covers:


These books have so many adorable features. Obviously one is the design of the covers and spines. They also have glossaries in the backs and cookbooks with recipes from each book. Heidi has a few illustrations throughout it and the text is large print for easy read.

If your’re still not convinced you need these in your life, check out this video of an up close look:

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen (and all her other books)

Alright, let’s begin this thing with a rating of 3 out 5 stars, slices of pizza, phases of the moon, or however we are rating these things.

I have finally figured out why I just don’t like her books. It’s because there is a “formula” to her plots and it goes like this:

  • girl meets guy
  • guy isn’t too thrilled about girl
  • girl throws herself at guy, gets rejected in some form
  • girl has melt down
  • guy feels bad
  • they bond
  • they end up together out of PURE GUILT
  • the end

I just really can’t stand the fact that her books teach girls this insane idea that they need a guy to fix their problems. It’s like she writes “Oh, your mother died? A guy will fix it. Oh, you’re an “outsider”? Here’s a guy for you!”

How I imagine Dessen at work: opprah


read her books, enjoy them, just promise to not confuse romantic fiction with reality.